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Conductive Compounds

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Normally insulators, thermoplastics can be compounded with a variety of conductive fillers to provide protection from electrostatic discharge (ESD). Static electricity and electrostatic discharge (ESD) are naturally occurring phenomena. In simple terms, static electricity is electrical energy at rest on a surface. It is generally created by the rubbing together of nonconductive materials. One material gives up electrons and becomes +ve charged; the other takes on these electrons and becomes -ve charged. This generation of Static electricity by friction is termed triboelectrification. ESD is the sudden discharge of this electrostatic potential from one body to another.

Causes & Problems

In the production of modern electronics, electrostatic discharge and its control have a profound effect on the production process of logistics. As practically all electronic components and assemblies are susceptible to ESD damage, even at relatively low voltage levels, designing a proper ESD protective environment for electronic equipment is essential. Damage that occurs when protection from ESD is insufficient will most likely, lead to malfunction or failure. ESD can damage or destroy sensitive electronic components, erase or alter magnetic media. An uncontrolled ESD event can also lead to a spark which can cause an explosion in an environment with explosive gases or dust. Fire in flammable environments.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Additives For Plastic, Anti Static Masterbatche, Black Masterbatches, Color Masterbatches, Colour Pigament, Colour Pigament For Plastic, Conductive Compounds, Filler Masterbatches Polytrans, Master Batches, Pigment Black, Pigments For Plastic, Plastic Additives, Plastic Colours, Plastic Master Batches, Plastic Pigments, Plasticizers, Polycolor, Products, Pvc Additives, Pvc Stabilisers, Thermoplastic Fine Powder, White Masterbatches